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Introduction to Teddy Bear dog Price

Teddy bear dogs are a popular type of mixed-breed dog that has gained popularity in recent years. These dogs are a cross between two different breeds, the Shih Tzu and the Bichon Frise. The result of this crossbreed is a small dog with a cute and cuddly appearance similar to that of a teddy bear.

Teddy bear dogs are known for their affectionate nature and love of being around people. Since they are frequently characterised as energetic and amiable, they make wonderful family pets. They do not shed much and are hypoallergenic, making them the perfect choice for allergy sufferers.

Regarding grooming, teddy bear dogs require regular brushing and grooming to keep their coat looking healthy and tangle-free. Also, they require regular activity, such as daily walks, to keep themselves healthy and content.

Overall, teddy bear dogs are a great option for those looking for a small, cuddly, and affectionate pet suitable for families and people with allergies.

Teddy Bear Dog Price

Factors that influence the price of Teddy Bear dogs

The price of teddy bear dogs can vary depending on a number of factors, including:

Breeder reputation: A reputable breeder who is known for producing high-quality, healthy puppies will typically charge more than a breeder with a less established reputation.

Location: Depending on the breeder’s location, teddy bear dogs can range in price. Puppies may be priced higher by breeders in locations with greater cost of living.

Rarity of the breed: Teddy bear dogs are a relatively new and popular breed, so they may be more expensive than other types of mixed breed dogs.

Health testing: A breeder who conducts health testing on their dogs to ensure they are free of genetic disorders will typically charge more for their puppies.

Pedigree: Puppies with a pedigree that includes champion or show dogs may be more expensive than puppies without a pedigree.

Coat colour and markings: Puppies with rare or unique coat colors and markings may be more expensive than those with more common colors and markings.

Age: Older teddy bear dogs may be less expensive than puppies, as they are not in as high demand.

Gender: Teddy bear dogs that are females can be used for breeding, making them potentially more expensive than males.

Demand: The demand for teddy bear dogs can also affect their price. The breeder could increase the price of the puppies if there is high demand for a specific litter.

Overall, the price of a teddy bear dog can vary widely depending on a number of factors, so it is important to do research and find a reputable breeder who is transparent about their pricing and breeding practices.

Training: If a teddy bear dog has already received some basic obedience training or has been trained for a specific purpose such as therapy or emotional support, they may be more expensive than an untrained puppy.

Breeding rights: If a breeder is selling a teddy bear dog with breeding rights, they may charge more for the puppy as the new owner will be able to breed the dog and potentially sell the puppies for profit.

Shipping costs: If the breeder is located far from the buyer, shipping costs may be added to the price of the teddy bear dog.

Vaccinations and medical care: If the teddy bear dog has received all necessary vaccinations and medical care before being sold, the price may be higher due to the additional costs incurred by the breeder.

Personality and temperament: If a teddy bear dog has a particularly desirable personality or temperament, they may be more expensive than a dog with a less desirable temperament.

It is important to note that the price of a teddy bear dog does not necessarily indicate its quality or health. It is essential to do research on the breeder and the breed to ensure that the puppy is healthy and has been raised in a safe and caring environment.

Teddy Bear Dog Price

The average price range of Teddy Bear dogs

Teddy Bear dogs, also known as Shichons, are a designer breed created by crossing a Bichon Frise and a Shih Tzu. The average price range of Teddy Bear dogs can vary depending on various factors, including the dog’s location, breeder, and lineage. On average, you can expect to pay anywhere from $500 to $2500 for a Teddy Bear puppy. For dogs with extraordinary pedigrees or distinctive traits, some breeders may charge substantially more. 

Additionally, prices may be higher in areas where there is a high demand for designer breeds. Despite the possibility, it’s important to keep in mind that price is not always a reliable indicator of quality. Finding a reputable breeder who puts their puppies’ health and welfare first is imperative. All things considered, it’s critical to think carefully before choosing a Teddy Bear dog.

Teddy Bear Dog Puppy

Additional costs to consider when buying a Teddy Bear dog

In addition to the initial cost of purchasing a Teddy Bear dog, there are several ongoing expenses that you should consider before making a decision to bring one into your home. Here are some of the additional costs to keep in mind:

Food: Teddy Bear dogs require a high-quality diet that is appropriate for their size and activity level. Plan to spend between $20 to $50 per month on food, depending on the brand you choose.

Veterinary care: Regular veterinary checkups and preventative care such as vaccinations, flea/tick prevention, and heartworm prevention are essential to keep your Teddy Bear healthy. Budget for around $300 to $500 per year for routine veterinary expenses, and potentially more for unexpected illnesses or injuries.

Grooming: Teddy Bears have a long, fluffy coat that requires regular grooming to prevent matting and keep them looking their best. This may include professional grooming services or regular at-home grooming, which can cost anywhere from $50 to $100 per visit.

Training: Teddy Bears, like all dogs, can become well-behaved companions with obedience training and socialisation. Consider the cost of puppy classes or private training sessions, which can range from $100 to $500 or more.

Supplies: You’ll need to purchase supplies such as a collar, leash, bed, toys, and food and water bowls. Plan to spend around $100 to $200 on these items.

Overall, it’s important to budget for both the initial purchase price and ongoing expenses when considering adding a Teddy Bear to your family.

Pet insurance: Pet insurance can assist in defraying the cost of unforeseen medical costs, like sickness or accidents. Prices and coverage vary depending on the provider and the level of coverage you choose, but plan to spend between $30 to $50 per month for a comprehensive policy.

Boarding or pet-sitting: If you plan to travel without your Teddy Bear, you’ll need to budget for either boarding them at a kennel or hiring a pet-sitter. Prices vary depending on the provider and location, but plan to spend between $20 to $50 per day.

Home modifications: Although being little pets, Teddy Bears need room to play and roam around. You may need to make modifications to your home, such as adding a dog gate or fence, to keep them safe and contained. Plan to spend anywhere from a few hundred to several thousand dollars, depending on the modifications needed.

Emergency fund: Having an emergency fund set aside for costs such as a sudden illness or injury is always a smart idea. Plan to set aside a few hundred to a few thousand dollars, depending on your budget and the level of coverage provided by your pet insurance policy.

Time commitment: Finally, it’s important to consider the time commitment required to care for a Teddy Bear. They need daily exercise, regular grooming, and socialisation to stay happy and healthy. Plan to spend at least an hour each day caring for your Teddy Bear, and budget for any additional time commitments such as training or playtime.

Licence and registration fees: In most areas, dogs are required to be licensed and registered with the local government. Fees vary depending on your location, but plan to spend around $10 to $50 per year.

Transportation: If you need to transport your Teddy Bear for vet visits or other appointments, you may need to budget for transportation costs such as gas, parking, or public transit fees.

Dental care: Teddy bears are vulnerable to oral health problems such as tooth decay and gum disease. These problems can be avoided with regular dental care, such as teeth cleanings and examinations. Plan to spend between $100 to $500 per year on dental care.

Treats and supplements: Like all dogs, Teddy Bears enjoy treats and may benefit from supplements such as joint support or probiotics. Plan to spend around $10 to $20 per month on treats and supplements.

Replacement items: Teddy Bears, like all dogs, can be tough on their toys, bedding, and other supplies. Plan to replace these items as needed, which can add up over time.

Overall, it’s important to carefully consider all of the expenses associated with owning a Teddy Bear dog before making a decision to bring one into your home. By budgeting for these costs, you can ensure that you’re able to provide your Teddy Bear with the care and attention they need to live a happy and healthy life.

Teddy Bear Dog Price

Teddy Bear Yorkie Haircuts

Teddy Bear Yorkies, also known as Yorkshire Terriers, are often groomed in a Teddy Bear cut, which is a popular style that leaves the hair slightly longer on the body and face, while trimming the hair shorter on the legs and feet. This style creates a cute and fluffy appearance that resembles a Teddy Bear, hence the name.

There are a few variations of the Teddy Bear cut for Yorkies, depending on personal preference and the dog’s coat type. Here are some common Teddy Bear Yorkie haircuts:

Short Teddy Bear cut: This style trims the hair close to the skin on the legs and feet, while leaving the hair slightly longer on the body and face. This style is low maintenance and perfect for hot weather.

Long Teddy Bear cut: This style leaves the hair longer all over the body, creating a fluffy and cuddly appearance. This style requires regular brushing and grooming to prevent matting and tangles.

Round Teddy Bear cut: This style trims the hair in a round shape around the head and face, creating a cute and charming appearance. The hair is also trimmed short on the legs and feet.

Mixed Teddy Bear cut: This style combines elements of the short and long Teddy Bear cuts, leaving the hair shorter on the legs and feet, while leaving the hair longer on the body and face.

It’s important to note that Teddy Bear Yorkie haircuts require regular grooming to keep the coat healthy and looking its best. Plan to brush your Teddy Bear regularly, and schedule regular grooming appointments with a professional groomer to keep your dog’s coat in top condition.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts

In conclusion, owning a Teddy Bear dog can be a wonderful experience, but it’s important to consider all of the associated costs before making a decision.  

Other costs to consider include pet insurance, boarding or pet-sitting, home modifications, and emergency funds.

By carefully considering all of these expenses and budgeting accordingly, you can provide your Teddy Bear with the care and attention they need to thrive. 

Remember that the cost of owning a Teddy Bear is just one aspect of the decision-making process, and that it’s important to also consider your lifestyle, living situation, and ability to provide a safe and loving home.