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Can bearded dragons eat tomatoes?

First of all, before anything else. You have to determine whether or not your bearded dragon can eat tomatoes. In the list of insects and vegetables below. If any of the items as being safe for your bearded dragon to eat. Then it’s ok for him/her to have them – however, keep in mind that this does not mean they should be a staple food source.

Bearded dragons love eating insects. Some examples of safe fruit and veggies they can eat include apples. Oranges, leafy greens (like kale), carrots, squash, and peas.

To help make sure that there aren’t any toxins. Or pesticides on the skin surface of the tomato plant itself. Wash off the tomato before dicing it up into small pieces and feeding it to your bearded dragon.

Tomatoes should consider a treat food, not a staple – so keep the amount you give your pet to an absolute minimum. Bearded dragons eat insects in the wild, in large quantities. Letting your pet sit in one place and eat nothing. But tomatoes are very different from their normal, natural way of eating. So use discretion when feeding him/her this fruit or vegetable. Also, make sure that washed thoroughly before giving them to your bearded dragon. Both because you want them to stay healthy. And also because they will likely want to play with the food after you wash it. Or even try taking bites out of it when playing with it. You can dice up the fresh tomato into small pieces for them. Or crush the entire tomato and mix it in with other vegetables.

can bearded dragons eat tomatoes

Pros and Cons

Can bearded dragons eat tomatoes? No, they should not. Raw tomatoes are toxic to them and can cause them harm. However, once cooked they are no longer an issue.

Tomatoes belong to the plant family called Solanaceae. Which grow many of their leaves on vines. They include potatoes, eggplant, bell peppers, and chili peppers. And tomatoes among others common around the world for human consumption. Bearded dragons cannot eat any of these plants or their fruit because it is toxic to them. This is true even if cooked or baked into foods. That you might prepare for your bearded dragon’s mealtime instead of eating raw. As a salad ingredient with dressing on it. Even though you might make tomato sauce out of one part of the plant family. And allow it to simmer with other ingredients, you cannot feed this to your pet.

You can supply them with fruits like cantaloupe, strawberries, oranges. And bananas though not without care. Because they also contain a lot of moisture. Which can cause bowel problems if given improperly or in excess. You should limit the amount of fruit a beardie will eat over its weekly diet plan as a general rule. Vegetables fit into their diets as well but these need cooking for at least 20 minutes first. Before giving them to the dragon as part of its regular meals.

Bearded dragons can eat tomatoes, but how frequently?

Tomatoes don’t quite make the “do not feed” list for bearded dragons despite all of these warning signs. The odd tomato actually has a number of positive health effects for your bearded dragon:

Despite being a fruit, tomatoes have a low sugar content, which benefits the heart health of your dragon.

When consumed in the correct amounts, tomatoes’ high vitamin A content will support and maintain your bearded dragon’s immune system, vision, ability to reproduce, and growth.

Tomatoes don’t contain a lot of oxalates. Since they absorb calcium and can result in MBD and other health problems, oxalates are comparable to phosphorus in this regard.

Lycopene, a potent antioxidant that gives tomatoes their red colour, is present in tomatoes. Lycopene promotes healthy skin and a strong heart while reducing inflammation and preventing cancer.

Did you realise? Lycopene is a component of our Reptile Greens & Calcium Powder, which supports the immune system of your dragon.

Why aren’t tomatoes safe to eat by bearded dragons every day?

Let’s look at tomatoes’ advantages before examining why they shouldn’t be a mainstay of your bearded dragon’s diet.

Dehydration and digestive problems. Due to their high acidity, tomatoes can contribute to gastrointestinal issues like diarrhoea. This causes your beardie to get dehydrated.

toxicity of vitamin A. Tomatoes contain beta carotene, which the body changes into vitamin A. This isn’t an issue in and of itself, but if you give your dragon excessive amounts of tomatoes (or other foods high in vitamin A) along with vitamin A supplements, your dragon may have some unsettling symptoms due to vitamin overdose. Dehydration, energy decline, weight loss, and edoema are a few of these.

a lacklustre diet. Calcium is a vital necessity for bearded dragons to be happy and healthy. Because tomatoes are such a poor source of calcium, dragons shouldn’t consume them frequently. You shouldn’t feed your beardie much of a food if it has low calcium alone.

excessive phosphorus Phosphorus is somewhat akin to the kryptonite of bearded dragons. This is so that calcium cannot be taken into your bearded dragon’s bloodstream since phosphorus and calcium bond together in the body. Because bearded dragons require calcium to survive, eating too many meals high in phosphorus puts them at risk for metabolic bone disease (MBD). This illness, if unchecked, has the potential to paralyse and kill dragons.

But tomatoes are not just too phosphorus-rich to be used as a normal food source. There is some calcium in tomatoes, but the phosphorus content is about six times higher.

Only meals with a calcium to phosphorus ratio between 1:1 and 2:1, with calcium predominating, should be frequently consumed by bearded dragons. This significantly lowers the likelihood that your beardie may acquire MBD and other health problems. A dragon’s health can swiftly decline if they consume foods with an unbalanced phosphorus to calcium ratio, with phosphorus predominating.

contains acid. Most likely, your veterinarian will advise against giving citrus fruits to your dragon. The reason for this is that they have a high citric acid content, which is hard on bearded dragons’ digestive systems. Despite not strictly being citrus fruits, tomatoes do contain some citric acid. Because they can result in severe diarrhoea and dehydration, they should not be consumed on a regular basis.

How Are Tomatoes Consumed by Bearded Dragons?

Realistically, bearded dragons can only consume approximately a quarter of a tomato per month. This isn’t much, but with a dish that has so many potential hazards, it’s best to be safe than sorry.

Use that tomato reward to persuade your bearded dragon to consume his salad. The ideal way to serve it is as follows:

Peel and thoroughly wash the tomato.

Take the seeds out.

Slice the tomato quarter’s flesh into small pieces.

Pro tip: You need not bother about preparing tomatoes because they may be served raw.

Do Bearded Dragons Consume Tomato Stems and Leaves?

In reality, tomatoes are a member of the nightshade family. Their vines, flowers, leaves, and stems all contain highly deadly alkaloids. Give none of them to your beardie without a doubt!

What may be eaten by bearded dragons more frequently than tomatoes?

Try some of the following if you’re looking for an alternate fruit or vegetable to feed your beardie:

A healthy, balanced diet for your bearded dragon must include fruit and vegetables, and tomatoes do have some wonderful health advantages. Just be careful to give your beardie the right amount to eat.

Do Bearded Dragons Benefit from Tomatoes? 

Tomatoes have a number of nutritional advantages for bearded dragons, including:

Beta carotene is quite well-found in tomatoes.

This transforms into vitamin A, which is necessary for protein synthesis, healthy skin development, and vision. However, consuming too much vitamin A might be harmful.

Therefore, owners should use caution while giving foods like sweet potatoes, which have a very high vitamin A content, to tomatoes. This is especially true if the multivitamin the bearded dragon is receiving already contains vitamin A.

They are a wonderful source of lycopene and other antioxidants, which support heart health and the immune system.

Additionally beneficial to the skin and anti-inflammatory, lycopene.

Because tomatoes have little sugar, they are preferable to other fruits.

Tooth damage, unwanted weight gain, and digestive problems are all effects of high sugar intake. This is one reason why owners should never give their pet dragon more than 10% of fruit-containing plant material.

They are also a good source of vitamin C, which is necessary for the development, maintenance, and repair of all bodily tissues.

C is a great immune system builder and antioxidant.

Tomatoes contain folate (vitamin B9) as well.

It is necessary for cell proliferation and beneficial for the reproductive health of pregnant pet dragons.

Additionally, tomatoes include potassium and vitamin K, two essential nutrients for blood coagulation. The body needs potassium to control blood sugar levels.

Oxalates or oxalic acid are few in them.

Oxalates are toxic because they bind to calcium and stop it from being taken into the bloodstream, making foods high in oxalates harmful.

This may result in a calcium shortage and ultimately metabolic bone disease (MBD). It is extremely crippling for bearded dragons and results in bones that are shrinking and lethargy.

They may begin to limp as the condition progresses, and eventually they may find it impossible to stand up by themselves. Kidney stones, also known as calculi, can develop in the renal system as a result of binding with calcium.

Risks to Health from Tomatoes

Unfortunately, consuming tomatoes on a regular basis might lead to health problems:

Calcium, a vitamin that bears need, is not found in sufficient quantities in tomatoes.

For bears, a deficiency in calcium is extremely harmful. As a result, owners typically give their pets a calcium supplement, which is typically available at most pet stores, as part of a balanced diet. Additionally, they feed their pet dragons calcium-rich dark leafy greens and gut-load feeder insects to make sure they get adequate calcium.

Tomatoes are not only deficient in calcium, but also have a poor calcium-to-phosphorus ratio of 0.2:1.

For bearded dragons, the optimum ratio ranges from 1.5:1 to 2:1. This is significant because excess phosphorus functions in a manner that is identical to that of oxalates. It binds to calcium and prevents calcium absorption. Kidney stones may then result from this mineral combination, although MBD may also result from it.

Citric acid is present in tomato fruits.

Even while they are not as acidic as citrus fruits, this acidity can nonetheless lead to diarrhoea and other gastrointestinal problems. This can therefore cause our pet dragons to get dehydrated. Acidity also hinders the absorption of crucial nutrients in the intestines, leading to deficiencies and imbalances in dragons.

Additionally, tomatoes contain 95% water.

This can appear to be a great source of water at first glance. However, overfeeding foods with a high water content, such as watermelon and iceberg lettuce, can cause diarrhoea and dehydration. Bearded dragons are not accustomed to much dampness because they evolved in the desert.

How Do I Feed Tomatoes to Bearded Dragons?

To give tomatoes to your bearded dragon, follow these steps:

The tomato should be well-washed.

Choose one quarter from a full-sized tomato after cutting it into quarters. Cut two grape tomatoes into quarters if you’re using them.

Peel a quarter of a full-sized tomato if you’re using one. If you’re using grape tomatoes, there’s no need.

Use a teaspoon to remove all the seeds, and then run water over the tomato’s interior to be sure you’ve done so.

The tomato should be cut into pieces roughly the size of M&Ms.

The majority of bearded dragons adore tomatoes, which are a pleasant addition to their diet.

If you want your bearded dragon to experience the positive health effects of tomatoes rather of the bad ones, it’s critical to prepare them properly.

Fresh tomatoes should not be fed on their own, per our advice.

While they have many health advantages, it’s ideal to use them in a salad that can support a balanced diet.

We advise combining the tomato slices with leafy greens like spinach and mustard greens.

It can be much easier if your bearded dragon has a lovely feeding bowl because you can quickly put together a “salad” in the dish before placing it in the enclosure.

Calcium is essential for bearded dragons. Just before serving the salad to your dragon, don’t forget to sprinkle it with a top-notch calcium supplement.

The Dangers of Feeding Tomatoes to Your Bearded Dragon

The dangers of feeding tomatoes to your bearded dragon can frequently make this practise appear riskier than it is. The general composition of their diet and you, as their owner, are ultimately in charge.

Can bearded dragons eat bananas

Can bearded dragons eat bananas?

It’s a natural finding that can bearded dragons eat bananas. Are you a bearded dragon owner? Who has noticed that your bearded dragon is acting lethargic, not eating as much as usual? Or not moving around as much? Bananas can give to your beardie warm or cold. Some good veggies include carrots, sweet potatoes, peas, apples, potatoes. And baby food squash. Know the reality of can bearded dragons eating bananas.

Can bearded dragons eat bananas

Bananas can be fed to your dragon daily in smaller portions.

Some good tips for preparing bananas are to cut the banana into little pieces. Or mash it up into a smoothie consistency. You can also add calcium to the banana and veggie mix (for example, calcium powder). Which can provide extra nutrients that can help with bone health and digestion. Which meet that can bearded dragons eat bananas.

You should only feed your bearded dragons bananas occasionally. Because they contain natural sugars (fructose). Which can interfere with their blood sugar levels. Bananas should not give to dragons. That have diabetes or other metabolic diseases such as anorexia nervosa. They can however give as a treat while training or when you want your bearded dragon to come and interact with you. Remember that too much of a good thing can be unhealthy for your dragon, so don’t give them bananas every day.

If you want to know can bearded dragons eat bananas? Please inform. Bearded dragons can eat bananas as a fruit snack. To provide extra nutrients and can help supplement their diet. Make sure that you only feed the banana once a week. Because it can contain natural sugars. Which can interfere with their blood sugar levels. If you want to try feeding your beardie a banana. Use these tips to prepare them properly before giving them to your bearded dragon.

Can bearded dragons eat bananas

How often to feed Bearded Dragons Banana and can bearded dragons eat bananas

 Banana should only give as a treat, once every other week-ish. It’s important that you don’t overfeed your Beardie with fruit. Because it has no benefit for them nutritionally and can lead to serious health problems. Know the details can bearded dragons eat bananas. If you feed them too much of it they might get diarrhea. Or constipation which will cause serious problems. If you don’t change their diet immediately. This will meet the confusion that can bearded dragons eat bananas.

What are the benefits Banana provides?

 Banana is extremely nutritious for Bearded Dragons. However, there are no significant benefits to feeding your Beardie more than once every other week. Due to its high nutritional value. fruits contain 90% water so it’s important to note that this will also cause a problem if too much fed. Know the can bearded dragons eat bananas.

Can bearded dragons eat bananas

What are the cons of Banana?

 Bananas, as stated earlier, contain 90% water. Feeding your Beardie too many fruits can lead to serious problems. With Bearded Dragons not being able to digest it properly. It’s also extremely high in sugar and some people have said it caused their Beardies diabetes. As well as other health issues such as kidney stones. Another thing is that. You should never give them seeds from the fruit. Or vegetables because they might choke on them or get an impaction. Which can be fatal if not treated immediately by a vet. So you know can bearded dragons eat bananas.


Can bearded dragons eat strawberries?

Strawberries are a sweet and nutritious fruit that can find in the market year-round. This article will focus on how to feed this fruit to your pet bearded dragon.

We all know that there are different kinds of foods out there for our pets, but what about berries?

Berries have many nutrients good for reptiles. They are rich in Vitamin C. Which helps their immune system become stronger. So they can fight off diseases better. It is very important that Leafs get enough calcium. Because it contains calcium, natural phosphorus. And magnesium can help with strong bones and teeth. Strawberries also have potassium and iron which are great for energy.

The next you might say is “These strawberries are not as red as I thought they would be.” Well, there is a reason for that. The nutrition inside of the strawberries changes the color to make them healthier. And better for your pet.

In conclusion, feeding your bearded dragon strawberries will benefit him. Because it gives him Vitamin C. Which will help boost his immune system. And give him stronger teeth and bones. It also gives them potassium which helps with energy and much more good stuff. Feeding your reptile strawberries is a really good decision.

can bearded dragons eat strawberries

Bearded dragons can eat strawberries and its Pros and cons

 Strawberries are very healthy for your bearded dragon. They provide vitamins and nutrients. So it is definitely beneficial to feed them strawberries. However, there is a risk of stomach upset if you give them too many. So limit how many you feed them, don’t just let your beardies eat as much as they want. As long as you watch the quantity that you give your beardie then it will be ok. But if not fed in moderation then they can cause serious problems such as diarrhea. Also, these fruits contain oxalate crystals. This means that the fruit itself has little calcium content. Until the crystals destroy by cooking or freezing. So make sure to remove the stems and leaves before feeding them raw strawberries. Or completely cook them when making them into a puree.

Also, too much of anything is bad for your bearded dragon, not just strawberries. So you have to make sure that they are eating enough of their regular food/diet. As well as ensure healthy growth and weight maintenance.

You also do not want to feed them the leaves or the stems. Only the actual red fruit part without any seeds or stems attached. This can feed whole or slice up depending on how large it is. However, if it’s cut then it’s best to wait until after feeding all their regular food. Before giving them strawberries. Otherwise, it will cause diarrhea due to the extra fiber content in the fruit. Also, avoid overfeeding with these fruits. Because they can lead to diarrhea which leads to dehydration. Which leads to death, just like any other fruit.

Can bearded dragons eat apples

Can bearded dragons eat apples?

Bearded dragons love apples, but before feeding them to them make sure you remove all the seeds. Black seeds from apples may be poisonous for bearded dragon lizards.

And of course, don’t feed your pet with rotten or moldy apples. Make sure not to serve your pet too many apple slices because they’re high in sugar and low in calcium.

The chemical compound found within apple seeds is called amygdalin/amygdaloid acid. When this compound mixes with water or saliva it forms hydrogen cyanide (HCN), a chemical used as a pesticide and an active ingredient in deadly poison gas. This is why we need to separate the amygdalin from apple seeds and remove them before feeding them to our pets.

Altogether, this means that even though bearded dragons can eat apples, you should not feed your pet with too many apple slices because they’re high in sugar and low in calcium. Also, always remember to remove the black seed.

Can bearded dragons eat apples

Bearded Dragon Diet

The bearded dragon is a popular type of pet lizard that comes from the dry, rocky deserts of Australia and nearby islands. They are also naturally accustomed to hot, arid weather. These lizards come in many colors and patterns, usually depending on their place of origin: central bearded dragons tend to be reddish-brown with red and yellow markings; west coast dragons tend to be bluish or grayish-green with white and yellow stripes; east cost dragons have dark blackish/gray bodies with white markings.

When it comes to size, they can reach up to 60 centimeters (24 inches), so owners should plan for the long term when deciding whether or not they want a bearded dragon as a pet.

Bearded dragons are generally not picky eaters. Their natural diet consists of hearty vegetables, such as the prickly pear cactus. In captivity, owners can feed their bearded dragons greens, pinky mice, crickets, silkworms, locusts, hornworms, butter worms, roaches (insect), earthworms, wax worms, or even small fruit pieces like apple slices. However, it’s also important to note that all foods should be washed thoroughly before giving them to your bearded dragon.

Pros and Cons of bearded dragons eat apples

Many people don’t know what to feed their bearded dragon, so they turn to pet stores for advice. They are told to give their beardie apples. It is even printed on the bags that some apple varieties come in “Bearded Dragon Food!” Unfortunately, this is not correct at all. Have you ever seen a wild bearded dragon eating an apple? No, neither have I- not once! The closest thing that beardies eat to apples is pears or peaches.


Here are some reasons why you shouldn’t feed your pet dragons apples:

1. Not very nutritious at all – Apples are high in sugar and low in nutrients. Bearded dragons need foods with low sugar content because too much can cause metabolic bone disease. They also need high amounts of calcium in their diet, which are found in dark green leafy vegetables, not fruit.

2. Can make your dragon sick – Apples contain chemicals that can cause irritation and upset the digestive system of a bearded dragon. One chemical is amygdalin. When an animal or human eats amygdalin, it gets broken down and creates cyanide- which is toxic to all living things!

Be sure to research before feeding anything new to your beardies. Always check for any allergies too by carefully watching how they react after eating something new. You will never know what kind of harm you could be causing if you do not take care when trying out new foods for your pet dragons.

can bearded dragons eat eggs

Can bearded dragons eat eggs?

Can bearded dragons eat eggs? In theory, the answer is yes. One of the most common questions I receive from visitors to my home is whether they can keep baby bearded dragons. The answer is yes, but you need to be aware of the risks.


If you are still confused as can bearded dragons eat bananas. We are happy to inform you that. Bearded dragons are carnivores that in the wild will eat anything from small rodents and lizards to insects. In captivity, they can be fed a commercially prepared dry diet, mixed with vegetables and fruit sources of moisture. Most people feed their bearded dragon a staple diet of 50-60% vegetables, 10–30% fruits, 20–25% protein-based foods such as mealworms or crickets, and 5-15% commercial bearded dragon food products at each feeding. Many have found success using commonly available dog food when feeding pets which helps increase the bulk of their stool samples when being used in conjunction with medications for internal parasites. Hope this will meat can bearded dragons eat bananas.