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Can guinea pigs eat strawberries?

They just love to play with toys and explore their surroundings. So there’s a lot of fun in guinea pig ownership. But what about that question about can guinea pigs eat strawberries? Can guinea pigs eat strawberries? The short answer is yes. But the long answer is a little more complicated.

We all know guinea pigs love their fruit, but the fact is that most people don’t give their pets strawberries because they know they’re dangerous (they can cause an illness called “strombolis”, which can be fatal). But, we’re here to tell you that guinea pigs really can be eaten safely—and they’re great as a healthy snack.


Can Guinea Pigs Eat Strawberries

Can guinea pigs eat apples with skin?

Guinea pigs love apples, but because they have a sensitive stomach, they need to eat apples that have not been washed or cut. It is not a good idea to feed them apples that have been peeled and have the skin removed since this can cause intestinal problems. But, apples without skin can still be used as food for the guinea pigs without risking any health problems for them.

Guinea pigs are lovely creatures that are often used as pets. They have been domesticated and used as food, clothing, and even as portals to the great beyond.

Can guinea pigs eat apples?

Guinea pigs are a member of the rodent family, and are related to hamsters, gerbils, chinchillas, and mice. Guinea pigs are known for their cuteness, non-aggressive nature, and ability to learn tricks.

Guinea pigs are often used in scientific experiments as subjects, since they are so docile. That being said, they are not naturally predisposed to liking apples. In fact, guinea pigs tend to dislike apples, which is why many people recommend that guinea pigs not be fed apples. However, this is not a hard and fast rule, and some people will use apples to make their guinea pigs happy, even if they are not healthy. Will guinea pigs eat apples? The answer is yes, but in small quantities, so read on to find out everything you need to know about guinea pig apples and learn what to watch out for.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Strawberries

Can guinea pigs eat grapes?


Guinea pigs are one of the cutest animals you can own as a pet and their tiny bodies are cute and cuddly, but they can also be a handful when it comes to eating. Although they may be a safe pet, they can still bite, so it’s important that you educate yourself on their dietary needs.


Although grapes are an irreplaceable source of Vitamin C, they can also be harmful to guinea pigs, as it is a known carcinogen. It has been shown to cause cancer in rodents and many studies suggest that it might cause cancer in guinea pigs, too. On the other hand, research has shown that guinea pigs can be exposed to the carcinogen by eating the crushed skins of grapes. Since there are about 200mg of grape seeds in a guinea pig’s daily diet, it would be very impractical to prevent them from eating grapes.

Can guinea pigs eat bananas?

Guinea pigs are known for their inquisitive nature, but the furry mammals seem to be smarter than we think. In this case, guinea pigs are just as curious as they are inquisitive. They’ll try almost anything. But, when it comes to guinea pig diets, not all foods are created equal. Some may have too much sugar, some may be too spicy and some may even be toxic.


You’ve probably heard about guinea pigs eating bananas by now, but did you know that their diet includes different things than you might initially think? Their diet is actually almost fully vegan, with the only exceptions being the occasional bits of meat from insects that they may eat. But the most interesting thing about guinea pigs eating bananas is that they’re not just eating them because they like the taste: they’re eating them to gain nutrition from the fruit since bananas are a good source of potassium and Vitamin B6.

Are guinea pigs good pets?

Small Exotic Pets. Are guinea pigs good pets? Guinea pigs make great pets. They are a nice addition to a family with children and other animals. But they can be easily stressed out by both of these things. Now we should know that are guinea pigs good pets?


Guinea Pigs come from South America. Where there is a wide range of climates, from desert-like areas to tropical rainforests. In the wild, guinea pigs live in large groups of about 10 individuals called “herds.” The herds do not have one dominant male who leads them. Rather each herd has several males who work together to protect and mate with the females in the group. So the question again are guinea pigs good pets?


Male and female guinea pigs will stay together for life if given the chance. Which makes them very different from most other types of pets you might find in your neighborhood. The Biggest Dog in the world 2022.


Guinea pigs can live in a basic cage with some special items to make their life easier. They should always have a nice hiding place to run and hide in. Which you might recognize from the guinea pig cages at your local pet store. These types of cages are perfect for your guinea pig because they provide shelter. And a safe space to rest up while still being able to see what is going on around them. It’s important that your guinea pig has enough room to sit upright. Though he or she does not need much more than that. Since guinea pigs do not get too high off the ground when running around. Somebody wants to know are guinea pigs good pets?

Small Exotic Pets: Keeping Your Pet Comfortable.


In addition to a shelter, your guinea pig will enjoy a hideout. Because guinea pigs are prey animals. They feel most secure when hiding out near or under something. A cardboard box with a hole cut in the side is ideal. Just be sure you place it in your guinea pig’s cage instead of outside the cage. Otherwise, he’ll go right through it.


You can also provide your pet with bedding and hay for his cage. Shavings (not cedar, as this has an aromatic oil that can bother some people and isn’t good for the animal). Make nice bedding because they’re soft on the feet and absorbent. Plus they come in different colors to add visual appeal to the environment. Alfalfa hay (or any type of grass hay such as timothy). On the other hand, is appreciated by guinea pigs because it’s easy to digest and contains more nutrients than shavings.


Guinea pig food also helps your pet flourish. Be sure to feed your guinea pig pellets formulated for these animals. They’re nutritionally balanced and offer a wide variety of ingredients. So he gets all his nutritional needs met in one shot. Also, provide fresh vegetables and fruit each day. Your veterinarian can recommend which kinds of hay and veggies are best for your pet based on his age, health condition, etc.

Small Exotic Pets: Are guinea pigs cuddly exotic pets?


Most people think of guinea pigs as cute, cuddly little balls of fur. When they are presented with the idea of getting a new pet. Also, they want to know are guinea pigs good pets?


Most people are wrong. Guinea pigs are not cute, cuddly, or suitable companions for small children. Their behavior is drastically different from that which most small animal owners expect. And their care requirements tend to be higher than those associated with other species in the same size range.


Most people fail to stop and consider what it is about guinea pigs. Which makes them so very different from their image before setting out to get one as a pet.

Small Exotic Pets: Guinea pigs are prey animals


This means that they have evolved behaviors designed to make them inconspicuous in order to avoid predators. They are, therefore, among the most skittish animals, one will find. Not because they are afraid of you but because they anticipate that something unpleasant might happen. If they give themselves away by moving or making noise.


This also means that their first line of defense is to remain absolutely still in an attempt to avoid being noticed. By whatever might be looking for them. If you have ever seen a rabbit frozen in place when it first notices danger. Then you have some idea of what behavior to expect out of your guinea pigs.


As prey animals, their other line of defense is camouflage. So as to blend into their environment and escape notice by whatever predator might come near. If you’ve never seen a cavy before it may seem counterintuitive. That they would be brown, black, or gray in color. But this is because their native environment consists of grasslands which are also shades of these colors.


If you get one as a pet then it will quickly come to understand that. This is not its natural environment and it will no longer display any sort of camouflage behavior. It may take anywhere from several weeks to several months for this to happen. However, depending on how much the guinea pig needs to acclimate itself to its new habitat.


This means that if you present your New Guinea pig with an enclosure that has green grass in it. Then it will immediately sprawl out onto its back. And start chewing away at the vegetation without even getting up.


What do guinea pigs need?


Pets are animals kept by people as companions or for entertainment. Pets are great to have because they can help reduce stress, lower blood pressure. And provide affection. These are some types of pets that you should consider before bringing home a guinea pig.


Adult guinea pigs need to be handled frequently. So that they become accustomed to the touch of humans. They also require an enormous amount of space. They should not be left alone for more than 4 to 5 hours at a time. Because they are social creatures who become lonely easily without companionship from their human keepers. If you will not be able to give them your attention throughout the day. It is best not to bring them home unless you have someone willing to take over care of them. While you are away.


The first thing you need to know is that guinea pigs do not require vaccinations. Because they are natural herbivores. The second thing you should know is that guinea pigs are prey animals (like rabbits). They can be very timid & shy around humans, which means it may take time for them to get used to you. This also means that the more human contact they receive. The more tame and friendly they will be toward their owner(s).

Are guinea pigs easy to take care of pets?


As with any pet, the amount of care your guinea pig needs depends on what species it is. There are three breeds – short hair (or American), Abyssinian hair (or Peruvian), and straight-haired (or English). Short-haired breeds require less grooming than the others. And they also have a softer coat to keep them cool in the summer. Long-haired breeds require more grooming. Their fur needs to be brushed every day because it tangles easily. Instead of solid colors, long-haired breeds tend to have color patterns like “ticking” (small spots) or “tiger” (stripes). The Biggest Dog in the world 2022.


Guinea pigs’ skin does not need to be bathed. It is self-cleaning. But if their owner wants to bathe them anyway. The best way is to use a shampoo specifically for rodents.  Never apply any kind of baby or pet shampoo to your ideal pigs as some can cause serious problems for them.


It’s also important not to spray the shampoo directly onto the guinea pig. It should be put in a spray bottle and lightly misted on. If you can, take your guinea pig outside for a bath. Because there will inevitably be some water that gets on its fur. Which you don’t want to drip into its cage. Guinea pigs are very susceptible to respiratory ailments. So make sure they are breathing properly after their bath by watching for rapid breathing or wheezing. If this occurs, call your local veterinarian immediately. This might sound like overkill but it is better to be safe than sorry.


After your guinea pig has dried off (you may need towels as well as a hairdryer). Be sure to check for any skin irritations that may have occurred while it was wet.


Additional Care of Guinea Pigs


If your guinea pig gets dirty. You should take it out of its cage. And wipe the dirt off with a wet towel or hand-held vacuum cleaner. Do not bathe your guinea pigs in their cages. Because they will get water in the cracks of the cage & make bacteria grow there. Guinea pigs are very social creatures. So you should spend time with them every day. Play games, give them treats, groom them, etc. They are also very curious animals & if allowed to roam freely around the house. They can learn where their bathroom is through trial & error. The most dangerous place for them is on the carpet, so never leave them.

Pros and cons of owning a Guinea pig as a pet


  • Guinea Pigs are very social and enjoy human company, but should not be held for extended periods.


  • They need to chew on things so they cannot be left unsupervised in an unstocked cage for a long time. Though it is best to let them out at least once daily anyway. The Biggest Dog in the world 2022.


  • These animals require a large cage (ideally 2×4 feet) with lots of bedding such as CareFresh (or other compressed shavings). The bedding must be changed when dirty or wet. The cage was clean when dirty. And if there is more than one pig. Then the house must be cleaned every day so the pigs don’t get sick. The more space they have, the happier they are.


  • Other than that, you need to provide food for them (pellets work best), fresh hay, and clean water daily. Treats (they like cheerios or some fruits & vegetables). And also a petting session once per day. They need to get out of their cage at least once per day too. Allowing them out on your bed is even better if you can supervise them during this time. Other than this, there’s not much else required but plenty of cuddles.


  • They live 4-7 years which is long enough to get attached to any household animal.



The mentioned information helps you to recognize that guinea pigs are good pets. Get Pet updates from our site.