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When do Hamsters hibernate UK?

When do hamsters hibernate? Hibernation is deep sleep, equal to death in terms of biological processes. That is active during sleep. When hibernating, an animal’s breathing slows down until it is barely perceptible. Its heartbeat also slows and its body temperature drops drastically. The small mammals which hibernate include several species of bats. The best-known example is the common swift). Groundhogs (also known as woodchucks), and smaller rodents such as dormice and chipmunks. Hibernation usually takes place during the cold winter months. Or at times when food is scarce.

Hamsters Hibernate

When hamsters hibernate they go into a state known as torpor. This condition is the natural reaction of hamsters to cold temperatures. However, it is not an ideal state for hamster husbandry. If your hamster starts to go into torpor, you may want to consider making changes to its diet and housing.

Although most hamsters don’t hibernate year-round, they will do so if the temperature drops below 18c. This is necessary to conserve the animal’s energy for staying warm. During this time, most breeds will hibernate and stay in a warm, stable nested place. While caring owners may be inclined to leave the windows open, a hamster will not stay in a room that is this cold all day long.

Why do Hamsters Hibernate

Many reasons can explain why animals enter into hibernation and when do hamsters hibernate:


  • To save energy during times of scarcity


  • For survival periods without food


  • To be able to survive cold weather.


Hibernation is a kind of survival strategy. That enables hamsters to make it through the winter months when there is no food available for them. When the temperature drops. They curl up inside their lairs and block themselves in using pieces of bedding. This prevents any loss of body heat when do hamsters hibernate. This gives rise to the image of hibernating animals as lethargic sleepers – but, this is not true. But when do hamsters hibernate? Although they remain relatively inactive during hibernation. Hamsters do wake up once or twice every week. But do not leave their lairs and occasionally stretch out or move about. These movements are usually associated with periods of increased metabolism. Burning off fat reserves. When spring arrives, the hamster’s biological clock will signal for it. To wake up when do hamsters hibernate.

Only Syrian hamsters and a few types of dwarf hamsters hibernate. But when do hamsters hibernate? This means that Roborovski and Chinese hamsters do not normally hibernate. And only Fur Hamsters sometimes do so. Hibernation in winter is so not required for their survival. But when do hamsters hibernate? However, these two species may also occasionally founded asleep during the cold season. And known as “winter lethargySoore. If one of your pet rodents has fallen into a deep sleep before the onset of winter. You can just let him sleep undisturbed until he wakes up by himself. If your animal is sleeping outside its cage in an unheated area.

Hamsters Hibernate

Hamster Bedding for Warmth & Burrowing:

One of the most important things hamsters need is beddings. When do hamsters hibernate? To provide warmth, comfort, security. And can also serve as a place for burrowing. If you aren’t careful in choosing the type of bedding. It can cause health problems for your little pet.

Hamster Bedding has different uses depending on what the bed makes out of. Where to put it in your hamster’s cage. And how often you change their bedding. Luckily there are many types that are suitable for each situation. These include paper-based, wood-based, fleece/flannel, sand, refresh, and soil. Below are explanations on each type and where and when to use it. Also, the answer about when do hamsters hibernate.

Hamsters Hibernate

Paper-Based Bedding: when do hamsters hibernate

Description: Paper-based bedding makes of either recycled paper or cellulose. Which are better for the environment than wood-based beddings. But are not very absorbent. They are generally cheaply priced. But you have to use them quickly once opened or they will become quite dusty.

When to Use It: 

This type of bedding can be used in any location in your hamster’s cage. However, it isn’t very absorbent. So if you use this around their food bowl or water bottle, expect it to get dirty fast. You should replace this often because if it gets too dirty. Not only can your hammy get sick. But it also won’t absorb as much of their waste, meaning that it will start to smell quickly.


Cheap, Eco-friendly

very absorbent Where & When To Use It: -Any location inside the cage.



Wood-Based Bedding: when do hamsters hibernate

Description: Wood-based bedding usually consists of sawdust or wood shavings. It is more expensive than paper-based bedding. But is more environmentally friendly and often used in animal hospitals. This type of bedding doesn’t provide burrowing opportunities for hamsters. However, they are easy to find at pet stores and can be found anywhere from shavings. To sawdust, to pellets.

When to Use It:

This type of bedding should only be used in the hamster’s cage. You should use this in any location where your hammy can’t get their food or water. However, if you do choose to use it around these things, expect them to become dirty quickly. If you leave this too long in the same spot, it will soak up moisture and start to smell bad.


Eco-friendly, Easy Availability.

Great for burrowing Where & When To Use It. Anywhere in the cage not near the food/water bowl or anything else that will get wet easily.


Not very absorbent.

Fleece Bedding

Description:  Fleece bedding is popular for many animals, including hamsters. It is safe to use around your hamster’s food bowl or water bottle but can stain easily if not regularly changed. Unlike other types of beddings, fleece isn’t meant to absorb liquid or smell, meaning that your hammy’s cage will always smell clean.

When to Use It:

This type of bedding should be used in any location inside the cage because it is easy to find at pet stores and doesn’t affect the environment – unless your hammy eats it, which can cause health problems. This type of bedding is great for burrowing, so if your hamster doesn’t have a wheel, it is best to use this around that area.


Eco-Friendly, Smells clean

Where & When To Use It: -Any location inside the cage


Stains easily.

Hamsters Hibernate

Flannel Bedding

Description:  This type is very similar to fleece bedding, except fleece is made from synthetic materials, while flannel is made from natural fabric fibers. Flannel bedding is also nice and soft for your furry friend with many different colors to choose from.

When to Use It:

Flannel bedding is safe to use around your hamster’s food bowl or water bottle but can stain easily if not regularly changed. It is easy to find at pet stores, doesn’t affect the environment – unless your hammy eats it, which can cause health problems.


Eco-Friendly  -Smells clean

Where & When To Use It: -Any location inside the cage


Stains easily

Carefresh is absorbent bedding that absorbs 3x its weight.  Carefresh does not fall apart like other types of paper-based material.

Caring for a hibernating hamster

When do hamsters hibernate? Cold weather brings about changes in behavior, activity, and metabolic rate in hamsters. As the days shorten and temperatures drop. Female Syrian hamsters build special nests to hibernate in for three to six months of winter. Hamsters are solitary creatures who do not live or travel in groups. They can form friendships with other hamsters during the breeding season (January through September. But they only choose one mate per season.

Hamsters Hibernate

Why Do Hamsters Hibernate?

When do hamsters hibernate? Most animals move toward food sources as the weather changes. But this is difficult for pet hamsters because their cages provide all the amenities they need year-round. Wild hamsters gather food before entering their dens so they will have adequate stores for winter. While domesticated individuals will refuse to eat anything if their food dish is empty.

This can lead to starvation and death among hibernating hamsters. If owners do not purchase special foods designed for the needs of torpid hamsters. When a Syrian hamster enters hibernation. His heart rate drops from 200 beats per minute to about 100 beats per minute. And his respiration slows down similarly. He will also go into aestivation (similar to hibernation, but considered more “light”) when his body temperature is between 86°F and 92°F. During this torpor, he is still able to move around in his bedding, but he does so very slowly. His sleep patterns will change drastically as well in early spring you might notice your pet engaged in periods of light activity, followed by periods of deep sleep. The process of when do hamsters hibernate.

What Should I Expect?

As the autumn months progress, your hamster will start to get ready for his winter nap when do hamsters hibernate. He may appear restless and be more vocal than usual (although this seems to vary from hamster to hamster). But you should never wake a hibernating animal because he needs extra sleep to survive the harsh season. Hamsters do not need special bedding during hibernation. In fact, it can be dangerous for them if they ingest their nesting material while sleeping. If you want to use a certain type of bedding in your pet’s cage. Make sure he is awake so he can move away from it before going into aestivation.

Hamster temperature monitoring – 24/7

When a pet hamster enters hibernation or when do hamsters hibernate, his heart rate drops from 200 beats per minute to about 100 beats per minute and his respiration slows down similarly. A functional process of when do hamsters hibernate.

 1-10 days before your hamster goes into aestivation, he will choose a dark den in which to build his nest. He will line the walls of his den with fur plucked from his stomach and sides and create an insulated area. Where he can sleep during the winter months. He builds this bed in a secluded place that is not in plain view of other hamsters or predators. Because safety is crucial when you hibernate in a group setting. Hamsters may also choose additional sites for temporary nests, usually inside their yards or exercise wheels. But they leave these areas soon after construction because they are not well-insulated.

 Understandably, your hamster’s habits will change drastically before he starts to hibernate. He may be more vocal, skittish, or ill-tempered than usual. Because his internal clock is telling him that it’s time for bed and winter is on its way. Even if you live in a region without cold weather. If you find your pet gathering and eating bedding materials (or stealing them from neighboring cages). Prepare ahead of time with the correct type of food and shelter. So he won’t go hungry, weak, or lose body fat that can lead to death during hibernation.

Hamster Safe Heaters for mating

The summer months (June through September) are the mating season for hamsters. This means they’re most active, vocal, and visible during this period. As the autumn months progress, your pet will start to act differently as he prepares for hibernation. He may be more restless or talkative than usual. Because his internal clock is telling him that it’s time for bed. Even if you have no plans to turn down the heat in your house anytime soon.

If you notice your pet eating nesting materials (or stealing them from neighboring cages). Prepare ahead of time with the correct type of food and shelter. So he won’t go hungry or weak during hibernation season when do hamsters hibernate.

Preventing hamster hibernation

You should never wake a hamster when he’s in hibernation because he needs extra sleep to survive long winters. When do hamsters hibernate? But there are a few signs owners can look for when they want to wake a hamster from aestivation. Sometimes, a hibernating animal will have extra fat stored on his belly or around the base of his tail when he wakes up from hibernation. Most owners also notice changes in their pet’s behavior when they’re awake because he may be more vocal and skittish than usual for a much longer time period than usual during aestivation.

There are signs you can look for when you want to wake a hamster from aestivation when do hamsters hibernate. But it’s best not to disturb him if possible. Sometimes, an animal will have extra fat stored on its belly. Or around the base of his tail when he wakes up from hibernation. More often though, your pet will show no physical signs that he’s awake. Hamsters are generally more vocal and skittish than usual when they wake up from aestivation. Because their bodies need time to readjust to daily life after months of inactivity.

If your hamster is awake from hibernation. He will make a nest out of bedding materials in a secluded area when do hamsters hibernate. This den will be dark and well-insulated so he can eat, sleep, groom himself. And store fat for the upcoming winter months. You may notice extra body fat on your pet if he wakes up early from aestivation. He’ll store this extra weight around the middle. Or base of his tail until it’s gone by eating normal amounts of food over a long period of time.

Signs of hamster hibernation

Many people think that hamsters go into hibernation in the winter and wake up in the spring. But this is not actually what happens. Hamster owners should know that hamsters don’t hibernate and that there are other signs to watch out for.

When a hamster goes into hibernation, it will appear sluggish and slow, sometimes sleeping for days at a time. This period of time usually lasts around three to four weeks before they begin coming out of their sleep cycle. And moving around more. During these long periods of sleep during which they don’t eat or drink anything at all. They can easily die if left alone. They also stop pooping and peeing while they’re asleep. Because their body temperature is so low. Their metabolisms slow down and they don’t have “to go” as often as when they’re awake.

A common sign that a hamster doesn’t hibernate

The most common sign that a hamster doesn’t hibernate is that it will still climb the sides of its cage in order to get food and water although it may be harder to wake them up. Hamsters that are going through hibernation tend to be more easily woken up by being touched or squeaked at, but hamsters that aren’t going into hibernation will only move when they hear running water or seafood around them. They can also die if they are woken from hibernation too early because their bodies haven’t been able to properly adjust yet. If a hamster is going into hibernation, it should be left alone and allowed to sleep. It’s a natural state of being for the animal and should not be interrupted or interfered with.

There are other signs that a hamster may show when going into hibernation. They will often have problems regulating their body temperature, so they may shiver as if they’re cold even if their room is warm. They’ll also produce a small amount of clear fluid from their mouth, which is actually saliva but can sometimes appear as though there’s “blood” coming from their mouth [as one writer reported]. The hamster may have trouble walking around because it has slowed its muscles down during hibernation, and it falls over a lot more than.

Hamster habitat location

The best place for hamsters to live is in the bedroom. Hamsters love to climb, so they can use their play area as exercise equipment. They will also enjoy exploring up high with the added bonus of being able to see everything that is going on around them! Most importantly, however, the bedroom affords your pet more protection from hazards that you may not always be aware of. This includes dangers posed by your family’s household pets or perhaps even a young child who might decide that it would be nice to keep one as a “toy”. Also, there are any number of hazards intrinsic to the environment outside your house, such as inclement weather and predators – these are things you don’t have to worry about when keeping your pet in your bedroom.

A hamster is most likely to be active during the evening, which means that you can interact with it more often if it lives with you. A word of warning though – make sure you don’t keep it with any other family pets even if they are non-aggressive! If your pet does not get along well with others then this is an extremely dangerous situation that could end in disaster for both animals involved. If you do have multiple pets then it would be advisable to purchase two cages and place them side by side on the floor with a clear divider between them. This will ensure that everyone gets enough space without having to resort to any violent behavior.

What should do

One more consideration before deciding where best for your hammies home is going to be – allergies. Be aware that hamsters can cause severe allergic reactions in some individuals and if you or a member of your family is prone to this kind of reaction then it is advisable not to keep a hamster in your bedroom. If you choose not to place the cage in your bedroom, make sure it won’t be near any other bedrooms.

In conclusion, keeping your pet inside the house offers many benefits over life outside in a hutch. Though there are differences between indoor and outdoor living, both have their own unique advantages which need carefully balancing out before deciding on a favored living space for your little friend.

How many hours do hamsters sleep

Everyone’s favorite furry friend likes to spend many hours of the day sleeping. Often, people mistake this as a sign that their hamster is dead or dying and this can lead to them panicking and not knowing what to do.

This article will cover how much sleep different species of hamsters need as well as what you should do if your hamster dies during its sleep cycle.

Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) are solitary animals that often spend 16-18 hours per day asleep; they usually go to bed at sunset and wake around sunrise. A winter white hamster needs about 14 hours of sleep a day but can adjust its sleep time depending on food availability – if there is less food available then they will sleep for longer than 14 hours and vice versa. A Roborovski dwarf hamster only needs around 9 hours of sleep a day but this does not mean that they rest for this amount of time; they can be seen running on their wheels almost the whole night! Chinese hamsters get about 12-14 hours of sleep per day and Campbell’s dwarf hamsters need 10-12 hours of sleep.

Do hamsters hibernate with their eyes open?

Searching for answers to “do hamsters hibernate with their eyes open” can be extremely difficult. What makes the answer so hard is that many sources online contradict each other.

When searching, most articles referring to this question will mention a book written in 1994 by Dr. Curtis Eng called “Winter World: The Ingenuity of Animal Survival”. However, I was unable to get my hands on it and could not read it myself.

Another problem with searching is that some article searches just lead back to things. Like blog posts instead of actual sites. Where you might find an authoritative source for information. It’s very discouraging when you find a post written by a “hamster expert” who states that they have witnessed their hamsters hibernating with eyes open. But there is no source or reference to back up the claims. The question of when do hamsters hibernate is also made confusing.

In short, I did not want to write about this subject because it would be difficult to confirm anything. But after some time and research, I was able to unearth something of value: an article in the Journal of Experimental Biology titled “Hibernation physiology: freezing for survival”. It is an in-depth look into all aspects of what happens when animals hibernate and include data from multiple different species such as bats, ground squirrels, and black bears.

Do hamsters hibernate in captivity?

In captivity, it is not possible to create the exact same conditions as in the wild. In a cage, especially if big enough and with proper temperatures, there’s no chance of hibernation because of the constant warmth from the lightbulb or heater. Furthermore, most hamsters also eat throughout winter which prevents them from fattening up their bodies before going into hibernation. So natural hibernation in a caged hamster is highly unlikely, though some individuals might slip into a state that can be confused with hibernation.

Hibernation in hamsters occurs only when the seasons change from fall to winter. In captivity, however, this cycle is interrupted because the animal lives indoors where the seasons do not affect him as visibly as they would outdoors. Moreover, since most pet owners provide their pets with heaters and air conditioners to keep them comfortable during changes in season no matter what time of year it is (for example, keeping their pets warm during Christmas even though the weather might be cold enough to induce hibernation), it is difficult to figure out when they would naturally go into hibernation. In short, hamsters may sleep a lot in the winter, but only if they live outdoors where temperature changes are more apparent.

Do hamsters hibernate in winter?

A hamster may have thought the little wheel was the only way to keep warm during his cage’s cold winter nights. And yet, there are other methods to keep warm in winter. These methods are used by all mammals, including ourselves. Hibernation is one of these methods.

Hibernation, which is also called “a state of deep sleep”. Happens when an animal decides that it is no longer able to find food. Or that staying awake represents too great a risk because of major changes in its environment. The weather must be quite cold for an animal to hibernate – usually above 20°F (-6°C).

Hypothermia can be confused with hibernation

If you are experienced, chances are that you have faced these questions before. And if not, then this article might be helpful for new hamster keepers out there. These symptoms all point to the same thing: hypothermia in your pet. Often caused by genetic disposition or environmental factors. It can lead to many health problems and even death. So let’s take a look at what hypothermia is.

Hypothermia is defined as having a body temperature below 35 degrees Celsius/95 degrees Fahrenheit. A person who suffers from this condition usually becomes pale white and her heart rate decreases dramatically. The color of the skin becomes blue and shivering will increase as the body gradually tries to warm itself up.

What happens when hamsters suffer from hypothermia?

How do we know if they are actually cold? Or not (never touch their ears for this, as they can freeze quickly)? And is there a way to treat it? You might have heard about putting them in your shirt/dress/pajamas since they are warm-blooded mammals. But did you know that this could be detrimental to your pet’s health?.

Yes, it actually could be, because all mammals are sensitive to warmth. As seen with babies or pets that get too much heat without even being sick, it causes seizures. The same goes for hamsters in this regard, so please do not put them in your clothes.

When it comes to hamsters, what you can look out for are the following symptoms:

  • Chattering teeth (although some might argue that they do this when they are cold)
  • Sleepiness; instead of running around or playing, your pet will pretty much lie on its back and curl up into a spiral shape. They might even fall asleep like this.
  • Loss of appetite (however, this is actually common in all animals who suffer from hypothermia)
  • Shivering; most people think that hamsters cannot shiver or be seen trembling. Because they have no muscles to do so. But with naked animals, you can actually see small muscle twitches when they are cold.
  • Swollen feet, ankles, and legs; this is probably one of the most obvious symptoms of hypothermia in any animal. The skin will look “puffy” because the body accumulates fluids to warm up itself. This accumulation is noticeable when touching your pet or giving it a gentle squeeze.

Hypothermia in hamsters usually occurs when their environment is too cold for them. It can also be caused by genetics or age, for example, old age.

Additional information about hypothermia

As mentioned before, environmental factors are the main reason for this condition to take place in hamsters.

  • In the UK, aim for a temperature of about 25 degrees Celsius/ 77 degrees Fahrenheit. However, if your pet is from Turkey or Russia, this should be increased to 28-30C/82.4-86F.
  • In places like Australia or New Zealand. Make sure that your hamster’s habitat is at least 20 degrees Celsius/68 degrees Fahrenheit.

Also, avoid keeping your hamster’s cage near a window or a drafty part of the house because they absorb cold very quickly. Since their blood vessels are so close to the skin, they will get cold very fast. This is also why you should check their cage every day for drafts. Or any other problems that could cause hypothermia.

Another thing that you should avoid at all costs is putting your hamster’s habitat in front of a heater/fireplace. Although it might seem warm and cozy, this actually makes the problem worse. Because the heat accumulates inside of the habitat, making everything even colder than before.

Some things that you can do to prevent hypothermia from happening:

When do hamsters hibernate, although these environmental factors are unavoidable sometimes?

  • Tilt up their water bottle slightly so that it releases warmer-than-usual water onto the floor. This way, your hamster will be licking up the warmer water instead of freezing cold water in their bowl.
  • You can also partially cover or wrap your pet in a warm cloth after taking it out of the habitat.

The reason why hypothermia is dangerous for hamsters is that it lowers physiological functions. This means that the heart slows down and less blood flows to tissues/organs. If left untreated or if too much time passes before treatment starts, this condition could lead to death!

Since you are already keeping them at an optimal temperature with proper environmental management. Most hypothermic cases are usually easily fixed by warming up your hamster’s body slowly with a bath.

However, there are some cases in which your pet’s hypothermia is too severe that their heart rate drops significantly, making it hard to detect. In this case, you will have to administer CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation). By wrapping them up in a soft cloth and massaging their body.

With proper care and consideration for your hamster’s environment, hypothermia should not be a problem at all. Of course, always consult a vet before going through any steps described above.

Although they might seem very independent and strong on the outside. These little creatures cannot help keeping warm by themselves when it gets cold. They rely on us to keep them from getting sick. Or even dying from something as simple as being just a bit chilly.


How do you tell if your hamster is hibernating? This is because they have the ability to put themselves into a state similar to hibernation, wherein they slow down their vital functions and fall asleep. This will meet all the questions about when do hamsters hibernate.